Pathways for Going Deeper

Are you interested in going deeper with our community in a more intentional way? Each fall we offer two pathways for those who want to gain greater clarity on who we believe God is calling us to be and what it means to be an incarnational presence in our city.

The first pathway is for newcomers and/or those interested in membership. At Harbor Anglican we are committed to a particular vision and set of values that point us in a specific direction on how to faithfully follow Christ and serve the world together in a context specific way. If you are interested in joining this class, please email our rector, the Rev. Casey Bedell. In the meantime, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the materials below which are foundational to our vision and values. As well, please give a listen to Fr. Casey’s message on Grace & Community that speaks to the inherent difficulty of community, its supernatural design, and the communal disciplines we are learning to lean into at Harbor Anglican.

The second path is confirmation and expands to the church beyond our local context and connects you to our Bishop, Diocese, and the Global Anglican Fellowship. This commitment is Anglican specific and explores what it means to be a follower of Christ in the Anglican way. Our Bisop, Ken Ross, likes to refer to confirmation as “lay ordination.” Confirmation in this sense is about maturity and mission where through the laying on of the Bishop’s hands with prayer you are strengthened by the Holy Spirit to live out the calling God has given you. If interested in confirmation, we offer three classes each fall. Please email our rector, the Rev. Casey Bedell, if you are interested.