Sermon Archive & Resources

Below you will find an archive of all past sermon messages, along with book recommendations, and some local spiritual direction resources we have utilized as a community.



Luther’s Three Treatises: Martin Luther

The Whole Christ: Sinclair Ferguson

The Prodigal God: Tim Keller

Grace in Practice: Paul Zahl


Soul Care Seattle: Led by Dan and Renee Huie, Soul Care Seattle is a retreat center on Capitol Hill that is open to those who desire a quiet, restful, and safe place to explore God in solitude or community.

Coracle’s mission is to inspire and enable people to be the presence of God in the brokenness of the world through spiritual formation for Kingdom action. Their programs include retreats, prayer gatherings, fellowships, pilgrimages, and online offerings. The Coracle’s Fellowship Program Online beginning this January, leads participants through a year-long process of discovery and formation with others seeking more in their relationship with God and in their redemptive engagement with the brokenness that surrounds us all. For any questions, please email Harbor parishioner, Jessica Clark.