Our Theology of the City

 At Harbor Anglican our theology of the city is simple: not only are we committed to the city of man being the place where we live out our citizenship of the city of God, but we desire to see the city of man become more like the city of God.

The Bible has a lot to say about cities — in fact, the Bible ends with the world becoming a heavenly city. As followers of Jesus we want to see our city through a distinctly Christian lens. The writer of the letter to the Hebrews says, “here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.” This simply means that before we are see ourselves first as residents of Seattle, we must first see ourselves as residents of the city of God (Heb. 11:10, 16; 13:14; Rev. 21:2). Because our true citizenship belongs with God and his people (Phil. 3:20) we are first and foremost called out from the city to belong to God’s city. However, Scripture also commands us to “seek the welfare of the city to which we have been sent.” (Jer. 29:7). This means participation in our city is vitally important.

The Bible calls us both to seek the welfare of our city and be a prophetic light to our city. This means we embrace a both/and and not an either/or approach to our city. There will be times we will celebrate what is happening in our city, but there will also be times that we deeply lament. At times we will work in partnership with our city for the common good, but other times we will need to speak prophetically and truthfully to her.

Our theology of the city is simple: not only are we committed to the city of man being the place where we live out our citizenship of the city of God, but we desire to see the city of man become more like the city of God. In summary, we believe that being called out from the city is always for the sake of the city. To be a true blessing to Seattle means being true to who God has called us to be — a city on a hill, an outpost of the city of God among the city of men. Below are various resources to help equip you as a follower of Jesus to live wisely, compassionately, and sacrificially for the sake of the city.

Below are various ways in which we are participating in serving our city:

  • Start by joining a Harbor Group and commit to praying with others for the city and the areas where you live, work, and play.

  • Find your District and know your Councilmembers. Click here.

  • Join a ministry in the city. In partnership with Union Gospel Mission, we participate in quarterly/monthly service opportunities (i.e., search and rescue night, seminars that educate us on how best to know and serve the homeless of our city). As well, in partnership with REST, we are taking our time to learn and educate ourselves with this organization on how to be part of the solution of ending the sex-trafficking of women in our city and supporting those who have escaped the sex-trade. Please contact Kelly Cross and she can guide you on the next steps of getting involved.